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Consider whether the land is fit for your purpose, be it homebuilding, recreation, farming, and also investigate its title clarity, zoning restrictions, taxes, potential for price appreciation, and so on.

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Bid on the land you hope to own, keep checking on bids that come in and if you are the highest bidder you get to close on that land purchase.


If you make the winning bid, you will sign the purchase agreement, wire the earnest amount, and provide proof of funds.

Finalize Escrow
& Closing Costs

You will work with the relevant representatives and escrow company to finalize closing costs.

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of Land

You gain legal possession of the property. Congratulations on successfully becoming a landowner!

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Frequently Asked Questions

With a free account, you can save properties by clicking on the 'heart' icon on the Search Results Page or on the Property Details Page where you are taken once you click on the property you are interested in. You can find your saved properties on your Buyer Dashboard under Saved Assets tab.

  • On the homepage, click the Sign-Up button in the upper right corner.
  • Complete the Sign-Up form by entering your details.
  • Choose a County, City, or Zip Code that is auto-generated in the drop-down box as you type.
  • Your area of interest will show up in a grey box once it has been selected.
  • After reading the Privacy Statement and Terms of Use, you can click the blue Sign-Up button.

If you create your free account, you can place bids on land for sale at online auctions for Real Estate Owned (REO), in-person auctions for short sale, and foreclosure properties. Additionally, you will gain access to a wealth of nifty tools, like the Saved Assets Dashboard, Due Diligence Documentation, Alerts, and more.

You can find land properties for sale on our free app on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The links are available below.

Due diligence is crucial before finalizing any real estate transaction and involves various steps like doing a title review, inspecting the property within legal limits, finding out about the neighborhood, researching price trends and so on. To learn as much as you can about the property and the community around it, we encourage you to consult local and public resources. This can entail looking up Public Records regarding Taxes, Title, and Liens; Coding Violations; Obtaining a Title Report; researching renovation and repair costs for most common items; consulting with an attorney, and more. You should check out our Winning Bidder Resource Center for further due diligence items to consider.

Start with the search window within the center of the homepage, then select your city, county or state of interest and press Enter. Once you land on the Search Result Page, select the Property type drop-down and check the box for Land. You can then go ahead and click on a land property to go to its Property Details Page and Save the property to your Saved Assets Dashboard or Save the property by clicking on the 'heart' icon that appears at the top-right corner of each property on the Search Results Page

If you create a free account, you can register to bid at the property's auction, get updates about properties you Saved, and add the property's auction day to your calendar.

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