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AUCTION.COM IN THE NEWS In the News Cares Pitches in for Kids in Puerto Rico Cares is a Initiative that Goes Beyond the Sale to Help Communities to Thrive.

In April,’s philanthropic initiative Cares donated $5,000 and 200 backpacks to the children of Puerto Rico via Pitch in for Baseball/Softball. Founded in 2005, Pitch in for Baseball/Softball helps kids to experience the many benefits of playing baseball, which is an important part of Puerto Rican life.

Baseball’s popularity in Puerto Rico skyrocketed after its first two baseball clubs took the field in 1897. Today, more than 260 Major League Baseball players made their start on the island. And chances are there will be hundreds more to come.

When Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico in September 2017, the Category 5 storm wiped away many baseball and softball fields. Pitch in for Baseball was determined to not only get kids back on the field to play the game they loved but to also put normalcy back into the lives of families who are still healing from this catastrophe.

According to Pitch in for Baseball/Softball, more than 10,000 kids were playing baseball before the storm and it has taken a herculean effort to make sure they all got back to swinging bats and fielding grounders. When you talk about the spirit of community and what helps hold the people of Puerto Rico together, you’re likely going to end up talking about baseball.

“Along with helping to build community, baseball is a way for children to discover the rewards of hard work, to understand the importance of teamwork, and to make lifelong friendships,” said Sarah Andrews,’s Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, who presented the check and backpacks to Pitch in for Baseball. “This makes communities stronger, which is part of our Cares mission.”

Last November, in response to the devastation brought by Hurricane Maria, held a special online auction of Puerto Rico properties. Through Cares, a portion of the proceeds were earmarked for a charity that shares in’s vision of hope. PIFB/S fit that vision. Cares is a program that goes beyond the sale to help communities to thrive by supporting housing, neighborhoods and veteran causes. The program has no physical boundaries and was eager to help Puerto Rico when disaster struck.

Visit our About Us section to learn more about Cares.