We want to assure you that at Auction.com there is nothing more important to us than the health, safety and emotional well-being of our customers, sellers, partners and staff during this time of uncertainty due to COVID-19. With that in mind, we are following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as, from local and federal authorities to diminish the risks of transmission at our offices and auctions. We want to do our part to keep our communities safe.

While foreclosure auctions continue to be held across the country, we want to keep you apprised that we are starting to receive notices of possible venue shutdowns and seller moratoriums which may result in foreclosure auction postponements. Please visit our site for the most up-to-date information that we have available, as we will continue to work diligently to keep you informed of any changes. We are working closely with our sellers, which represent the nation’s largest banks and financial institutions, to develop additional ways for you to invest and rehabilitate properties to create new homeownership opportunities across the nation.

Amid the on-going health concerns, we appreciate that your business must go on. We expect our online marketplace to continue to offer incredible buyer opportunities. At this point over 90% of our 20,000 exclusive foreclosure courthouse properties are still available for sale, along with over 7,000 online bank owned properties. Now may be a good time to bid on a bank-owned property from the comfort of your home or office. View all properties.

We are committed to supporting your investments needs. We are here for you and together, we will pull through this crisis.


Jason Allnutt

CEO Auction.com