First, middle, and last name for buyer and co-buyer
Street name, city, state, zip
Phone, email, date of birth
Marital status
Who is taking the property (myself as individual, myself as co-buyer, entity, trust or retirement plan)
Entity name, type, and state
If LLC: Filed/stamped Articles of Organization, Operating Agreement, Resolutions Authorizing Signatory (if applicable), Certificate of Good Standing
If Trust: Certificate of Trust, Declaration of Trust, and Amendments to Declaration of Trust (each signed and notarized); Real Estate Signing Resolution, Multiple Name Verification, and Entity Documents for all member entities
If 401k: Adoption Agreement, Plan Summary, and Real Estate Signing Resolution (an form)
Agent’s first name, last name, email, phone number, and agent license number
Agent’s firm name and full address
Funding type (cash, hard money loan, line of credit, conventional loan or other)
Financing details (if applicable): lender name, and financing agent name, phone number, and email
Vesting type
Title insurance
Escrow company
Company name and full address
Escrow contact’s first name, last name, email, and phone number
Are you purchasing this as an investment, primary residence, or second home?
Are you a first time home buyer?
(If property is unoccupied) have you viewed the inside of the property?
Are you a licensed real estate agent?
Is your preferred communication method email, phone or other?
When is the best time to call you: morning, afternoon, evening, or anytime?
For questions, please visit
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