8305 NW 61st St Unit C305
Tamarac, FL 33321, Broward County
Sq. Feet
Opening Bid
Bank Owned
8305 NW 61st St Unit C305Tamarac, FL 33321, Broward County
Save2 Beds1.5 Baths1,040 Sq. Ft.
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Opening Bid
Property Details
Square Footage
Lot Size (Acres)
Property Type
Condominium U...
Year Built
Monthly HOA Dues
4941 09 CA 03...
Vacant: Although the property is vacant, do not enter unless interior access is available.
Title and Liens: Most liens are removed after a foreclosure property sale, but certain liens may remain. What type of liens remain?
Buyer's Premium
5% or $2,500
Winner will be charged a fee for this property. 5% of Winning Bid Amount (A minimum of $2,500 will apply)
Cash Only
Conventional financing is NOT accepted for this property. Learn more
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Interior Access
Interior access is not available for this property.
Broker Co-op
1.5% or $1,500 minimum commission is available.
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Prepare Your Finances
Cash is the accepted payment. In some cases, hard money loans and lines of credit are accepted. See purchase documents for details. Why?
You'll need proof of funds within 48 hours of winning the auction.
Conventional financing cannot be used to buy this property.
Top FAQs
Will I be able to inspect the property before I bid?
Typically, no. Many properties will be sold "as is, where is," with all faults and limitations. You'll need to estimate any renovation costs from a distance. Even if you believe the home is vacant, treat it as occupied. These homes have not transferred ownership yet and walking on or entering the property is trespassing.
Does Auction.com have any more information on this property?
Like other real estate transactions, you should conduct careful due diligence before purchasing a property at auction. Common research items include local market value, property condition, and title report.
Please note, Auction.com is not the seller for any property made available online, and all information and photos to Auction.com have been made available on this page.
Will the property be free and clear of all liens?
Not necessarily. You should seek independent advice to perform your own due diligence and fully understand the foreclosure process and foreclosure sales in general. It is your responsibility to do a title search and seek any professional counsel before bidding.
Can I use financing to buy this property?
Typically, no. Be sure to check the property listing to see if financing is considered. Most properties on Auction.com are sold cash-only. That means you must pay the entire purchase amount by the closing date.
What happens if I am the winning bidder?
If you are the highest bidder at the end of an auction, here are your post-auction obligations:
- Contract Information: You'll receive an email confirming you have the highest bid. You will then need to provide important contracting information by filling out a form online. You can preview the required information on this form as a printable checklist. Make sure to submit the form within 1 business day.
- Purchase Agreement: Once everything is verified, the Purchase Agreement will be generated and you will need to sign and return the document for the seller to review and sign.
- Proof of Funds: You need to provide Auction.com a copy of your Proof of Funds by email within 2 business days.
- Earnest Money Deposit: Unless otherwise specified on your purchase agreement, you will need to send the Earnest Money Deposit to the closing company within 2 business days of receiving the transfer instructions. Send Auction.com a copy of your confirmation receipt within 1 business day of sending funds.
Transaction Details
• All bank-owned properties bought at auction are, "Subject to Seller Acceptance." Both buyer and seller must sign the purchase agreement for the bid to be considered accepted.
• If the buyer is a licensed real estate agent, no buyer broker commission will be paid, regardless if buyer is representing themselves or not
• The seller took ownership of this property at a recent foreclosure auction. The seller has established a reserve price based on the value of the property less its expected costs to market and sell the property, representing a tremendous opportunity for investors to purchase properties at a discount and create equity.
• If you are the Winning Bidder, an Earnest Money Deposit of 5% of the total purchase price or $2,500 (whichever is greater) is required.
• Buyer will receive a Special Warranty Deed or equivalent
• Property is being offered as is, where is
• Buyer will be assessed a $55 Document Generation Fee paid at closing.
• Click HERE to see similar properties.
• Until the seller's reserve price is met, Auction.com may counter bid on behalf of the seller. Counter bidding gives buyers and sellers more flexibility to find a mutually agreeable price. Counter bids do not occur after the seller's reserve price is met. Learn more about reserve pricing.
Auctioneer Licensing Information
Auction.com, Inc. - License No. CQ1031187 (RE Broker), Lee Leslie - License No. 3208273 (RE Broker)
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